A Response to Holt’s Statement on Frontline and AP Documentary, S. Korea’s Adoption Reckoning
Overseas Adoption: Permanently Separates Families Holt International’s recent statement following the Frontline and AP documentary on South Korea’s Adoption Reckoning attempts to paint the agency as a champion of ethical adoption. They claim to be “unwavering advocates of the Hague Adoption Convention on Intercountry Adoption,” suggesting that their practices ensure …
Voices of Korean Adoptees: Falsified Records, Switched Identities, and Anguished Searches for the Truth
Korean Adoptees Worldwide Demand Justice A new PBS FRONTLINE documentary titled South Korea’s Adoption Reckoning reveals the heartbreaking and infuriating truth behind decades of international adoption practices that have severed Korean adoptees from their birth families. Through falsified records, switched identities, and a well-oiled adoption industry, thousands of Korean children …
The Quiet Whistleblower Trailer
Did you know adoption agencies do not actively provide information to adoptees? Did you know that 70-80% of missing children in Korea are kidnapped and sent overseas for adoption? Did you know that one out of three adoptees were abused? Did you know international adoptions are serious human rights violations? …