Korean Adoptees Worldwide Special Request to Stop International Adoption. "It's time."

Korean Government to Suspend International Adoption Request

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Let's Stop the Commodification of Korean Children.

Korean Adoptees Worldwide

A Special Request to End International Adoption

한국 정부에 대한 국제입양 중단 요청. 세계 한국 입양아동으로부터

저희의 요청: 
Based on the following analysis of the intercountry adoption business, we, the undersigned Korean adopted people and inter-country adopted people, parents and families separated by adoption, and our allies, request the Korean Government:
다음의 국제 입양 사업 분석에 기반하여, 저희 아래 서명한 대한민국 입양인 및 전 세계 입양인, 그리고 입양으로 인해 분리된 출생 부모 및 가족들과 우리의 지원자들은 대한민국 정부에 요청합니다:
Stop all intercountry adoptions and adhere to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Korea is legally bound and which describes the correct process for looking after children in need;
모든 국제입양을 중단하고 대한민국이 법적으로 구속력을 갖는 UN 아동의 권리에 관한 협약을 준수하며, 어린이들의 보호 위해 올바른 절차를 라주길 요청합니다. 
Refrain from ratifying the Hague Adoption Convention, as it argues for a private business solution to a public challenge; 
헤이그 국제 아동 입양 협약을 준하지 마십시오. 이는 사회적인 문제에 대한 개인 사업을 해결책으로 내세우고 있습니다.  
Ensure that all special interest groups such as HOLT, ISS, CHIP, KSS, ESWS, SWS (now KWS), the domestic adoption agencies, the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference, as well as associated persons, are prevented from influencing government policy; HOLT, ISS, CHIP, KSS, ESWS, SWS (지금 KWS), 국내입양 대행기관헤이그 회의 사무국  관련 당사자  특별 이해단체들이 정부 정책에 영향을 미치는 것을 막아 합니다. 
Be aware that these special interest groups do not openly support intercountry adoptions (but neither do they explicitly demand its cessation); 
이러한 특별 이해단체들 국제입양을 공개적으로 지지하지는 않지만, 그렇다고 중단을 명시적으로 요구하지 않습니다.  
Set up a redress scheme under which adoptees can get individual compensation; 
입양아동들이 개별 보상을 받을  있는 시정 계획을 만들어야 합니다. 
Set up a genuinely independent state authority — not one embedded in the adoption lobby like NCRC – to assist adoptees with legal issues and family searches; 
입양아동들 법적 문제  가족 찾기를 지원해  근본적으로 독립적인 국가 기관을 설립해야 하며 기관은 NCRC 같이 입양 단체 로비에 휘둘리 않아야 합니다. 
Ensure that all files, documents, and information pertaining to adoption, including all communication between stakeholders, are transferred to this authority. 
입양에 관한 모든 파일문서  정보이해 당사자 간의 모든 통신을  기관에 이송하도록 해야 합니다. 
Set up a mechanism to reunite families which respects the rights of the adoptees and the Korean families, especially the mothers. 
입양아동  한국 가족특히 어머니들의 권리를 존중하는 가족 재결합 시스템을 만들어야 합니다.  
The Current Opportunity to Do the Right Thing in South Korea. 
대한민국에서 올바른 일을   있는 현재의 기회. 
There is a current and unique opportunity to completely stop intercountry adoption from South Korea. Korea’s government has a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which is now looking into past crimes in inter-country adoptions, including kidnapping, coercion, falsification of records, and financial transactions. 
대한민국에서 해외입양을 완전히 중단할  있는 독특한 기회가 지금 있습니다대한민국 정부는 현재 진실과 화해위원회를 설치 운영 중이며 위원회는 과거의 국제입양에서의 범죄납치강요기록 위조  금융 거래를 조사하고 있습니다. 
Korea allows intercountry adoption, even though under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, it is considered a measure only to be used in extreme circumstances. Even in situations of war, natural disaster, and extreme poverty, the consensus is that intercountry adoption is not applicable, as public institutions tend to be at their weakest. It is absurd to claim that South Korea cannot organize suitable care for its children in need.
대한민국은 UN 아동의 권리에 관한 협약에 따르면 국제 입양은 극한 상황에서만 용되어야 하는 조치로 간주되 있습니다. 심지어 일반적으로전쟁자연 재해  극심한 빈곤 상황에서도 국제입양은 적용되지 않는 것으로 여겨지는데 이는 공공 기관이 그들의 가장 취약한 상태에 있기 때문입니다대한민국이 자신의 어려운 처지에 있는 어린이들을 돌봐줄 적절한 보호를 구비하지 못한다고 주장하는 것은 터무니없는 주장입니다. 
Advocates for the Hague Adoption Convention claim that intercountry adoption is in the best interest of children and trafficking can be prevented. But recognizing past mistakes won’t reform a business practice that has no place in what should be a public sector responsibility. 
헤이 입양 협약 지지자들은 국제입양이 어린이 최선의 이익을 위한 것이며 인신매매를 방지할  있다고 주장합니다그러나 과거의 실수를 인식하는 것은 업무 관행을 개혁  없습니다. 공공부문의 책임이어야  곳에 이런 관행은 분명히 설자리가 없기 때문입니다.    
When the Joustra Committee, set up by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Justice, carried out an in-depth study into intercountry adoption, one of their conclusions was: The current system of intercountry adoption with private elements cannot be maintained.  The committee seriously doubts whether it is possible to design a realistic public law system where the identified abuses no longer occur.” 
네덜란드 법무부가 설립한 조스트라 위원회가 국제입양에 대한 철저한 연구를  뒤에 내린 결론은 다음과 같았습니다.  현재의 국제입양 시스템 사적 요소를 갖고 있는 것을 용납해서는 안된다. 위원회는 확인 시스템  행위 사례  이상 발생하지 않는 현실적인 공법 체계를 만들  있는지에 대해 회의적인 생각을 갖고 있습니다.” 

How is Intercountry Adoption Child “Trafficking”? 

국제입양이 어린이 인신매매 어떤 관련이 ? 
While national child protection services are funded by the state, intercountry adoption is organized on the basis of financial transactions; the current “fees” for a Korean child is around $60,000. 
국내 아동 보호 서비스는 국가에서 자금을 지원받지만국제입양은  거래를 기반으로 진행됩니다현재 한국 아동  명에 대한 수수료  6 달러입니다. 
Over 250,000 South Koreans have been sent abroad for adoption, and all of these children have had their identities changed, setting the stage for personal identity crises and ensuring that finding Korean families is extremely difficult. 
25  이상의 대한민국 어린이가 국외로 보내졌으며 모든 어린이들의 정체성이 달라졌습니다. 이로 인해 개인적인 정체성 위기의 상황이 조성되면서 다시 한국 가족을 찾는 것이 매우 어려워졌습니다.  
Writing in AP News, Kim Tong Hyung explained that Korea’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission decided to look into this issue “after it confirmed through records that the adoptees were sent to the West through manipulated records that falsely described them as orphans despite the existence of biological parents, or faked their identities by borrowing the details of a third person.”
AP 뉴스 보도 내용에 따르면 통형(Kim Tong Hyung)씨는 한국의 진실과 화해위원회가 “입양아동들이 생물학적 부모의 존재에도 불구하고 고아라고 거짓으로 묘사 , 조작된 기록을 통해 서양으로 보내졌거나 3자의 세부사항을 빌려 그들의 정체성을 위조한 경우를 확인한   문제를 조사하기로 결정했다 설명했습니다. 
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), ratified by Korea in 1991, provides all the rights required to protect children in need. It’s worth noting that no other highly developed nation allows for the adoption/sale of their children abroad. The Korean War ended over 70 years ago, and Korean children should no longer be adopted/commodified. 
대한민국이 1991년에 공식적으로 비준한 UN 아동의 권리에 관한 협약(UNCRC) 어린이 보호에 필요한 모든 권리를 제공합니다유념해야  점은 다른 고도로 발전한 국가에서는 자국 어린이를 외국으로 입양하거나 판매하는 것을 허용하지 않는다는 것입니다한국 전쟁은 이미 70 전에 종료되었으며 한국 어린이는  이상 입양되거나 상품화되어서는  됩니다.  

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:  

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was ratified by Korea in 1991 and provides a broad range of rights for children and the responsibility of governments to support families in need. 
유엔아동권리협약(UNCRC) 1991 한국에서 비준되었으며아동의 광범위한 권리와 도움이 필요한 가족을 지원하는 정부의 책임을 규정하고 있습니다. 
The UNCRC has been ratified by every nation except the USA and is a valuable human rights treaty that provides the legal framework for the protection of children not only within his/her respective country but also by his/her very own family. Each child has its own rights, and each signatory state is obliged to protect/support that child and his/her family when faced with difficulty. 
UNCRC 미국을 제외한 모든 국가에서 비준되었으며 해당 국가 내뿐만 아니라 가족의 아동 보호를 위한 법적 틀을 제공하는 귀중한 인권 조약입니다 아동은 고유한 권리를 가지며 서명국은 어려움에 직면했을  해당 아동과  가족을 보호하고 지원할 의무가 있습니다. 
If the Korean government had correctly implemented this binding international law and built up its child protection system, intercountry adoption would not be needed. The following extracts from the UNCRC are worth quoting here: 
한국 정부가 구속력 있는 국제법을 올바르게 이행하고 자체 아동 보호 시스템을 구축했다면 국제 입양은  이상 필요하지 않았을 것입니다. UNCRC 다음 발췌문은 여기에 인용할 가치가 있습니다. 
Article 7: 7 
1. The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality, and, as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents. 
아동은 출생  즉시 등록되어야 하며 출생 시부터 이름에 대한 권리국적을 취득할 권리  가능한  부모에 대해 알고 보살핌받을 권리를 갖습니다. 
Editor’s note: Many of the articles in the convention point to the same principle: Governments are obliged to assist families in difficulty. This is the best way of helping a child in need as it will take place within his/her culture and family. 
Article 8: 8 
1. States Parties undertake to respect the right of the child to preserve his or her identity, including nationality, name, and family relations as recognized by law without unlawful interference. 
당사국은 불법적인 간섭 없이 법으로 인정되는 국적이름가족 관계를 포함하여 아동이 자신의 신원을 보존할 권리를 존중할 것을 약속합니다. 
 2. Where a child is illegally deprived of some or all of the elements of his or her identity, States Parties shall provide appropriate assistance and protection to re-establish his or her identity. 
아동이 자신의 정체성 요소  일부 또는 전부를 불법적으로 박탈당한 경우당사국은 아동의 정체성을 회복할  있도록 적절한 지원과 보호를 제공해야 합니다. 
Editor’s note: intercountry adoption has had a perverse effect on these rights as adoption changes the child’s identity and birth certificate. The above-described rights are thus violated, and the Government of Korea is responsible for assisting adoptees in re-establishing their original identities. 
편집자 국제 입양은 입양으로 인해 아동의 신원과 출생 증명서가 변경되면서 이러한 권리에 부정적인 영향을 미쳤습니다따라서 위에서 설명한 권리는 침해되며한국 정부는 입양인들이 원래의 정체성을 회복하도록 지원할 책임이 있습니다. 
Article 20: 20 
1. A child temporarily or permanently deprived of his or her family environment or in whose best interests cannot be allowed to remain in that environment, shall be entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the State. 
1. 일시적 또는 영구적으로 가족 환경을 박탈당하거나 그러한 환경에서 최선의 이익을 유지하는 것이 허용되지 않는 아동은 국가가 제공하는 특별한 보호와 지원을 받을 권리가 있습니다. 
2. States Parties shall in accordance with their national laws, ensure alternative care for such a child. 
2. 당사국은 국내법에 따라 그러한 아동에 대한 대체 양육을 보장해야 한다. 
3. Such care could include, inter alia, foster placement, kafala of Islamic law, adoption, or if necessary, placement in suitable institutions for the care of children. When considering solutions, due regard shall be paid to the desirability of continuity in a child’s upbringing and to the child’s ethnic, religious, cultural, and linguistic background.
3. 이러한 보호에는 특히 위탁이슬람 율법의 카팔라입양 또는 필요한 경우 아동 보호를 위해 적합한 기관에 배치하는 것이 포함될  있습니다해결책을 고려할 아동 양육의 연속성이 바람직한지와 아동의 민족적, 종교적문화적언어적 배경을 적절히 고려해야 합니다. 
Editor’s note: Art. 20.3 often gets misinterpreted: Adoption can be erroneously described as a child protection measure. However, it is not. In a rights-based system, the child is the rights holder. This means that the state must create suitable institutional and foster care systems for children in need of care. 
편집자 20 3 종종 잘못 해석됩니다입양은 아동 보호 조치로 잘못 묘사  있습니다그러나 그렇지 않습니다권리 기반 시스템에서는 아동이 권리 보유자입니다이는 국가가 보살핌이 필요한 아동을 위해 적절한 시설  위탁 보호 시스템을 마련해야 함을 의미합니다. 
Adoption is a very drastic measure that permanently cuts all legal family ties and alters the identity of a child. Intercountry adoption is even more extreme, as children lose their citizenship, religion, language, and culture. 
입양은 모든 법적 가족 관계를 영구적으로 끊고 아동의 신원을 변경하는 매우 과감한 조치입니다국제 입양은 아이들이 시민권종교언어문화를 잃기 때문에 더욱 극단적입니다. 
21 입양 제도를 인정 /또는 허용하는 당사국은 아동의 최선의 이익이 최우선적으로 고려되도록 보장해야 하며 다음을 수행해야 합니다. 
b) Recognize that intercountry adoption may be considered as an alternative means of child’s care, if the child cannot be placed in a foster or an adoptive family or cannot in any suitable manner be cared for in the child’s country of origin; 
b) 아동이 위탁 가정이나 입양 가정에 배치될  없거나 아동의 출신 국가에서 어떤 적절한 방식으로 보살핌을 받을  없는 경우국제 입양이 아동 양육의 대체 수단으로 간주될  있음을 인정합니다. 
Editor’s Note: Article 21b of the UNCRC is also known as the subsidiarity principle. It is important to know how the UNCRC and the Hague Adoption Convention versions of this differ: 
편집자 : UNCRC 21 b항은 보조성 원칙으로도 알려져 있습니다. UNCRC 헤이그 입양 협약 버전이 어떻게 다른지 아는 것이 중요합니다. 
According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, subsidiarity is “the principle that decisions should always be taken at the lowest possible level or closest to where they will have their effect, for example in a local area rather than for a whole country.” 
케임브리지 영어 사전에 따르면 보조성은 “결정은 항상 가능한 가장 낮은 수준에서예를 들어 국가 전체가 아닌 지역에서 영향을 미칠  있는 가장 가까운 수준에서 이루어져야 한다는 원칙입니다. 
The UNCRC, in article 21, stipulates that intercountry adoption can only be allowed if there is no way to raise the child in country by foster care, residential care, local adoption, kinship, or any other suitable manner of care. In any functional nation, there are almost no circumstances when local solutions cannot be found. 
UNCRC 21조는 해외입양은 국내에서 위탁보호거주지 보호현지입양친족관계기타 적절한 보호 방식을 통해 아동을 양육할  있는 방법이 없는 경우에만 허용될  있다고 규정하고 있습니다어느 운영중인 어떤 국가에서나 지역적 해결책을 찾을  없는 상황은 거의 없습니다. 
The Hague’s version of the subsidiarity principle is that the family must raise the child, with public support if necessary, but if this is not possible within a 6 – 12-month framework, the child can be declared available for adoption. The next step is to try to arrange domestic (in-country) adoption, but if this is not possible within a short amount of time, the child can be declared available for intercountry adoption. 
Residential/institutional care is described as a “temporary measure” and unsuitable. HAC advocates “permanent family-based solutions.” In other words, it promotes adoption, and intercountry adoption is the only acceptable solution. This results in the creation of a market for children rather than a search for local solutions. The problem is that adoption violates the child’s rights to its original identity, family, and (in cases of intercountry adoption) culture and language. 
헤이그의 보조성 원칙은 필요한 경우 공공 지원을 받아 가족이 아이를 키워야 하지만 6~12개월 내에 이것이 불가능할 경우 아이를 입양 보낼  있다고 선언 가능하다는 것입니다다음 단계는 국내(국내입양을 시도하는 것이지만이것이 단기간에 불가능할 경우 해당 아동을 해외 입양 대상으로 선언할  있습니다. 거주/시설 보호는 임시 조치이며 부적절합니다. HAC 영구적인 가족 기반 솔루션 옹호합니다, 유일하게 수용 가능한 해결책으로 입양과 국제 입양을 장려하는 것입니다이는 지역적 해결책을 찾기보다는 어린이를 위한 시장 만들어 냅니다.  문제는 입양이 아동의 원래 정체성가족, (국제 입양의 경우문화  언어에 대한 아동의 권리를 침해한다는 것입니다. 
Context: During the EU enlargement process, this was one of the key points. After ratification of the UNCRC, all the old EU members states stopped exporting children, and when Romania wanted to join the bloc, the EU insisted on the implementation of the UNCRC. However, Romania had also implemented the Hague Adoption Convention – resulting in the adoption/sale of an estimated 30,000 children during the 1990s. Romania eventually prioritized the UNCRC over the Hague Convention and, as a result, stopped intercountry adoption in 2004. 
전후 내용: EU 확대 과정에서 이는 핵심 사항  하나였습니다. UNCRC 비준된  기존 EU 회원국은 모두 어린이 수출을 중단했고루마니아가 UNCRC 가입하기를 원하자 EU UNCRC 이행을 주장했습니다그러나 루마니아는 헤이그 입양 협약도 시행하여 1990년대에  30,000명의 아동을 입양/판매했습니다루마니아는 결국 헤이그 협약보다 UNCRC 우선시하기로 결정했고 결과 2004년에 국제 입양을 중단했습니다. 

The Hague Adoption Convention:

The Republic of Korea has signed but not ratified the Hague Adoption Convention (HAC). The convention aims “to establish safeguards to ensure that intercountry adoptions take place in the best interest of the child…” However, this noble-sounding aim is undermined by the removal of children of children from public care by private adoption agencies and the changing of their identities. In addition, the HAC claims intercountry adoption is a child protection measure to be integrated into child protection systems. It does not recognize foster or institutional care as suitable, only permanent family-based solutions, i.e. adoption. 

The Hague Adoption Convention:  

대한민국은 헤이그 입양 협약(HAC) 서명했지만 비준하지 않았습니다 협약의 목적은 아동의 최선의 이익을 보장하기 위한 국제입양을 조직하기 위한 안전장치를 확립하는 입니다그러나 이것은 공공 보호에서 아동을 사적 입양 기관으로 옮기고 그들의 정체성을 변경함으로써 현실화되지 않은 이상적인 목표로 평가됩니다또한 HAC 국제입양을 아동 보호 시스템에 통합되어야 하는 아동 보호 조치로 주장하지만 입양 외에는 수용할  있는 것으로 간주하지 않습니다이로 인해 부모가 아동을 양육할  없는 경우 부모 권리가 종결되고 아동은 국내  국제입양이 가능한 상태로 선언됩니다. 
This leads to the practice that if a child cannot be raised by his/her parents, parental rights can be terminated, and the child becomes available for domestic and intercountry adoption.
이로 인해 만약 아동이 부모에 의해 양육되지 못할 경우 부모 권리가 종결되고 아동은 국내  국제입양이 가능한 상태로 선언됩니다. 
Another reason Korea should refrain from ratifying the Hague Adoption Convention is that it would result in setting up Post Adoption Services. In other countries, these have proven to offer no real benefit for adoptees searching for their families. Why? Because they are routinely set up under the auspices of the adoption agencies, which have numerous illegal activities to cover up. What is needed in Korea is a (properly funded) redress scheme that genuinely works to assist adoptees and their families — and is independent of the adoption lobby.

한국이 헤이그 입양 협약을 비준하지 말아야 하는 또 다른 이유는 입양 사후 서비스를 창출하겠다는 점이다. 다른 나라에서는 이러한 서비스가 친가족을 찾으려는 입양인에게 실질적인 이익을 제공하지 않는다는 것이 입증되었습니다. 이는 이러한 서비스가 입양 기관의 지원을 받아 설립되는 경우가 많고, 다수의 불법 행위를 은폐하는 경향이 있기 때문입니다. 한국에 필요한 것은 입양인들이 가족을 찾을 수 있도록 실제로 도움을 줄 수 있는 개선된 조치(적절한 자금 지원) 시스템이며, 이는 ‘입양 로비’에서 자유롭다.

The influence of the intercountry adoption lobby on policymakers globally 

국제입양 로비의 국제 정책 결정자들에 대한 영향 

Following a series of scandals involving intercountry adoptions in the last decades, there has been a massive (more than 90%) decrease in transactions. But the lobby for intercountry adoption is powerful and relentless and will not give up easily. They have powerful organizations behind them, such as national governments (e.g., the USA), UNICEF, ISS, HOLT, CHIP, KSS, and other vested interests. We demand that these organizations and the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Convention are excluded from all policy making forums/meetings/consultations in the Republic of Korea — as they all advocate for the Hague Adoption Convention instead of advocating for implementation of the UNCRC. 
지난동안국제입양에관련된여러스캔들후에거래가대규모로(90% 이상감소했습니다그러나 국제입양로비는강력하고끈질기며쉽게잦아들지않을것입니다그들을뒷받침하는강력한조직들이있으며, 여기에는미국과같은국가 , UNICEF, ISS, HOLT, CHIP, KSS 기타이해관계당사자들포함됩니다. 우리는이러한조직들뿐만아니라헤이그입양협약의영구적인지역사무대한민국의모든정책결정 포럼/회의/상담에서배제되기를정중히요구합니다이들은모두 UNCRC시행을지지하않고헤이그입양 협약을옹호하고있습니다.

Korean Adoptees Worldwide Investigation Report finds Harry Holt’s family and business guilty of assault and battery on Korean mothers for their babies, attempted assault on one of Korea’s consulates, trafficking and the commercialization, commodification, and sale of children as early as 1956, and falsely advertising children as orphans, abandoned, unwanted, and homeless. The full report “The Case Against Harry Holt’s Overseas Adoption Program,” ready in 2024, Reveals what adoption profiteers, The Hague Adoption Convention, and the international adoption industry haven’t told you—and probably won’t.”

Korean Adoptees Worldwide Investigation 이 조사한 바에 따르면 해리 홀트 가족과 비즈니스가 한국 아이들을 데려가기 위해 한국인 어머니들을 폭행한 혐의, 한국 영사에 대한 폭행 기도, 최소 1956년부터 아이들의 인신매매, 상품 및 상업화, 아이들을 고아, 버려진 아동, 홈리스 아동이라고 조작해 광고한 점에 대해 유죄라고 판단합니다. 2024년에 준비될 ‘해리 홀트의 해외 입양 프로그램에 대한 소송 케이스’ 전체 보고 내용은 입양을 통해 이득을 취하려는 자들과 ‘헤이그 입양 협약(The Hague Adoption Convention)’ 그리고 국제적인 입양 업계가 여러분들에게 이야기 하지 않은, 그리고 결코 앞으로도 이야기하지 않을 내용들을 담고 있습니다.

국제 입양을 중단하는 데 동의하는 경우 제목 줄에, 나는 동의한다 “I’m In”이라고 기재하세요  이메일  Admin@KoreanAdopteesWorldwide.net