What is it like being a Korean Adoptee?

In Adoptee Stories, All, Featured, Videos by KAW

How You Can Support Korean Adoptees Worldwide

We need your support in ensuring that this tragic history is never repeated. Korean Adoptees Worldwide is actively educating the public about adoption trafficking and fighting for justice. You can support our efforts in multiple ways:

  1. Purchase or share our anthology, The “Unknown” Culture Club: Korean Adoptees, Then and Now, published by Korean Adoptees Worldwide. This anthology shares the voices and stories of Korean adoptees, giving insight into the long-lasting effects of international adoption and the fight to reclaim our identities. *Like the book? Support us more by writing an awesome 5-star review of support!
  2. Donate to Against Child Trafficking USA. Your donations will help further our mission to expose the truth behind international adoption and prevent future generations from suffering the same fate.
  3. Join the Special Request to Stop International Adoptions. Sign the document to the Korean government to stop Intercountry Adoptions from Korea 70 years after the Korean War ended.
  4. Would you love to know more about adoption? Read Korean Adoptees Worldwide’s adoption book collection. Like what you read? Support Korean Adoptees Worldwide by writing a review!

The rise of international adoption has come at a cost, and it’s important to acknowledge the aftermath on the people most impacted: children, families, and communities. Rare Adoption Books for Adults by Rev. Dr. Janine Vance provides readers with a deeper understanding of the additional burdens adopted people faced yesterday, around the world, and still today.

Korean Adoptees Worldwide

"Great works of literary art from the Korean Adopted Community that form a collage of life experiences and perceptions, in the form of stories, micro biographies and poetry. Very well written and upholstered entries from all participants. This is a great compendium to which the reader can dip in and out of. Good for long and short journeys by bus, car, train, plane. Take as little or as much ad you want. Highly recommended."

"We are KADs and this is how we say it" -- James Sedonne
These stories validate the experiences of all those who have been ridiculed or outright abused but have found the will to survive, thrive, and sahre their tale.

What's Your Story?

Ten questions to get to know you better. The purpose of this website is to connect with stories and heal through connection. Answer the questions you feel most comfortable sharing with the community. Please keep in touch. We’d love to hear from you! *Keep in mind: We request your email so that we can respond and ask questions if need be.

Questions for us? Email Info@adoptiontruth.org
"This is a powerful and important read for all. The adoptee's voice is all too often silenced, and it can literally be life or death for some to be heard and seen."Amazon Review

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