BBC Sounds The Conversation Why was I adopted? Women looking for birth stories. Interview Author, Janine Vance.

BBC Sounds Conversation with Korean American Author and Adoption Historian.

In Adoptee Stories, All, Featured, Interviews, Looking for Oma, Special Request, Videos by KAW

BBC Sounds The Conversation, Why was I adopted? Women looking for birth stories.  Interview with Author, Janine Vance, 재닌 명자  |  입양 전문가

BBC Sounds

Korean Adoptees Worldwide Featured Author, Janine Myung Ja

재닌 명자  |  입양 전문가

Janine Vance discovered that while most adoptees had been told they were orphans, this wasn't the case, & parents were looking for them. She's written several books...

Janine Vance was adopted from Seoul by an American couple along with her twin sister when they were six months old.

The Search for Mother Missing: A Peek Inside International Adoption by Janine Vance

The Search for Mother Missing: A Peek Inside International Adoption by Janine Vance

A trip to South Korea in 2004 to an event marking 50 years of intercountry adoption caused her to think more deeply about her heritage. She found out that while most adoptees had been told they were orphans, this wasn't the case, and parents were looking for them. She's written several books about adoption and wants to make international adoption more transparent.

재닌 명자는 생후 6개월 때 쌍둥이 언니와 함께 미국인 부부에게 서울에서 입양됐다. 2004년 해외 입양 50주년 기념 행사에 참석하기 위해 한국을 방문하면서 그녀는 자신의 유산에 대해 더 깊이 생각하게 되었습니다. 그녀는 대부분의 입양인들이 그들이 고아라는 말을 들었지만 이것은 사실이 아니며 부모들이 그들을 찾고 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 그녀는 입양에 관한 여러 권의 책을 저술했으며 국제 입양을 보다 투명하게 만들고자 합니다.

What's it like being adopted into a country far away from your birth and into a family that looks very different to you?

International and transracial adoptions both come with challenges for children and parents. Beatriz de la Pava talks to two women born in Colombia and South Korea about trying to fit in and discovering more about their roots.

당신이 태어난 곳에서 멀리 떨어진 나라에, 당신이 보기에 매우 달라 보이는 가족에 입양되는 것은 어떤 기분인가요? 국제 입양과 초인종 입양 모두 아동과 부모에게 어려움을 안겨줍니다. Beatriz de la Pava는 콜롬비아와 한국에서 태어난 두 명의 여성에게 자신의 뿌리에 대해 더 알아보고 적응하기 위해 노력하는 것에 대해 이야기합니다.